a. Click on the
sign up link, fill the required details and submit.
An email will be sent to the user for registration confirmation.
c. The user will have to click on the activation link sent in the
email to activate the account.
d. After activation the
user has to login with the registered user id.
To apply for the
expedition it is mandatory for the applicant to create a detailed
For this the applicant has to click on the
profile management link available on home page and submit the
required details.
Before filling the
application the user/Leader has to create the expedition.
a. Click on the Expedition booking link available on home page.
b. Click on the create expedition link.
c. Fill the
required details and submit.
d. A unique Expedition id
will be generated.
For creating a team for the
expedition the Leader has to send invites to the team members.
a. Click on the Create team link on user home page.
For the particular expedition click on Build team link.
c. Search for the user id (to whom the invite needs to be sent)
and click send invite button.User will be intimated through
d. When the team needs to be finalized then click
on the Freeze team button under view team section.
a. After the team is
finalized the Leader needs to fill the application form.
b. Click on the Fill application form link in navigation panel.
c. Click on fill application form link corresponding to the
expedition id.
For more information refer to FAQ Section
Sport Climbing wall is available from Tuesday to Sunday . Timings are: 8.00 a.m to 12.00 p.m and 4.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. at Rs 200 /-per session. For groups(minimum 30), activities are available viz. Sport Climbing, Burma Bridge, Tyre Swing, Tyroleon Travers(Rope Crossing), Commando Net, Rope Ladder, Crawling through tunnel, natural rocks etc. Prior intimation is required.